Monday, June 23, 2014

Review: Barbie Glam Breakfast Set

Howdy y'all, and a good mornin' to ya!

Not too long back I spotted these nifty Barbie scene sets, and I just knew I had to check one of 'em out. So, after picking up my "Die-ner", I figured I'd grab one of these to go with it.

Here's a picture of the box, so y'all know just what I'm going on about. Now I am not usually in the market for Barbie stuff, but the detail that drew me in was the promise that all items would stay in place on the table. Guess what? It's true! Sorta.

Here you can see the table set for a delicious breakfast. Two plates, some syrup, flatware, and folded napkins. Most items have a circular peg on the bottom, and the table has nine matching spots to fit those pegs. They fit well enough that the table can be held upside down and nothing falls!

Here's the table set with tea for two. I was planning on re-painting the teapot, as it's far too pink for my tastes, but then I realized it fits perfectly with Draculaura's preferred aesthetic, so.. now she has her own handbag-slash-teapot.

Here's the lady herself enjoying breakfast. Barbie flatware has come a long way since my own childhood; you can see the ring fits well and the fork rests naturally in her hand.

The price was right -- a complete doll scene (in this case, breakfast) for less than $10? I'm sold. However, if you want to set the table for two, you can't fit all the pieces. The set is ideal for a doll having breakfast in bed, not sharing brunch or teatime with a friend.

The good news is, the incredibly tiny table can be broken down, its legs removed so that it can be a serving tray. This discovery was a huge relief to me. The legs pop on and off easily, are made of sturdy plastic, and are keyed to each side so re-assembly is a literal snap. There are small circular pegs on the bottom of the table which could either be leftovers from the molding process or an implication that the tabletop can snap on to a larger scenery set.

After one day of play, the silver paint decorating the tabletop is scratched and rubbed off around the table's edges, indicating the table will need a re-paint in the near future. Otherwise all pieces are sturdy and well-painted.

I'll be honest -- until I found I could break down the table, I was not very pleased with this set. I liked the pieces but I felt the set's largest item was a design failure. Knowing now that it can be broken down into a serving tray changes that outlook for the better!

I plan to get the microwave set as well, though I'm not sure if I'll keep that very very pink microwave. You can pick up the Glam Breakfast Set for yourself here, or, if you'd prefer, the Glam Microwave or Glam Vacuum sets.

Thanks for reading, and here's hoping you and your dolls enjoy their breakfast. I've got another review coming up for New Scaremester Clawdeen. Have a fangtastic day!

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