Monday, November 4, 2013

Announcement: NaNoWriMo is LIVE!

Mornin', darlings!

I've been taking part in a little ol' thang called NaNoWriMo - that's shorthand for "National Novel Writing Month" - since 2008, and I can tell you, it is better than buttered bread.

The idea is to write a complete novel, about 50,000 words, in thirty days. Sounds impossible, doesn't it? Well, it's not. NaNoWriMo teaches creativity on demand, time management, and the destruction of that little voice in your head that tells you you're an idiot for even trying. I'm all for it, and you should join me!

This year's effort is all about fanfic. Here's the blurb:

A teenage boy is found brutally murdered in New Salem, not far from Monster High. Given the strange, repetitive, silent phone calls to his home, and his younger sister's stories about seeing ghosts, the people of New Salem decide the culprit must be from that damned school. But before the adults can handle the matter in a diplomatic fashion, the friends of the slain boy go on the warpath for revenge. Can Headmistress Bloodgood protect her students from the wrath of outraged townsfolk? Will the true culprit be found in time to save Monster High from total destruction? Or will a single unsolved murder spell the ruination of all the goodwill both sides have fought so hard to earn?

Now I've been toying with the idea of liveblogging my NaNo for the past two years, and this year, I'm taking the plunge.

I've posted the first four scenes - all I have at the moment (yes, I'm way behind!) - on Here's the link! "The Abyss Gazes Also"

Give it a read, and if you like what you see, why don't you follow me through the month as I finish the whole dang thing? It's going to be an awful lot of fun. Heck, for even MORE fun, you might think about joining in! Stretchin' your creative muscles is always invigorating.

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